Comet parameter: output_percolatorfile
- Controls whether to output search results in a Percolator’s tab-delimited input format.
- Valid values are 0 (do not output) or 1 (output).
- The default value is “0” if this parameter is missing.
- The created file will have a “.pin” file extension.
- Output columns are:
- SpecID: an identifier composed of the inputBaseName_scanNumber_chargeState_resultNumber
- Label: a value of 1 for a target peptide or -1 for a decoy peptide
- ScanNr: spectrum scan number
- ExpMass: experimental (measured) peptide neutral mass
- CalcMass: calculated peptide neutral mass
- lnrSp: natural log of the preliminary score rank (aka Sp rank)
- deltLCn: last dCn in the output list
- deltCn: deltaCn which is the normalized xcor difference between the top hit and next best hit
- lnExpect: natural log of the expectation value or E-value
- Xcorr: cross-correlation score
- Sp: preliminary score
- IonFrac: decimal value representing matched fragment ions count divided by total fragment ions count
- Mass: repeat of ExpMass (this column may not even be relevant and could be deprecated in the future)
- PepLen: length of petpide
- Charge[n]: boolean, is this a charged n spectrum
- enzN: boolean, is the peptide’s n-terminus consistent with the sample enzyme
- enzC: boolean, is the peptide’s c-terminus consistent with the sample enzyme
- enzInt: number of missed cleavages
- lnNumSp: natural log of the number of analyzed peptides within the precursor tolerance
- dM: normalized mass difference calculated as (ExpMass - CalcMass)/CalcMass.
- absdM: absolute value of dM
- Peptide: peptide sequence
- Proteins: tab delimited list of proteins that contain the peptide
output_percolatorfile = 0
output_percolatorfile = 1