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Comet parameter: search_enzyme2_number


search_enzyme2_number = 0 (no second enzyme applied)
search_enzyme2_number = 10 (digest with chymotrypsin in addition to first enzyme)

The format of the parameter definition looks like the following:

0.  Cut_everywhere         0      -           -
1.  Trypsin                1      KR          P
2.  Trypsin/P              1      KR          -
3.  Lys_C                  1      K           P
4.  Lys_N                  0      K           -
5.  Arg_C                  1      R           P
6.  Asp_N                  0      D           -
7.  CNBr                   1      M           -
8.  Glu_C                  1      DE          P
9.  PepsinA                1      FL          P
10. Chymotrypsin           1      FWYL        P

The first column of the parameter definition is the enzyme number. This number list must start from 0 and sequentially increase by 1. The second column is the enzyme name; no spaces are allowed in this name field. The third column is the digestion “sense” i.e. a value of “0” specifies cleavage N-teriminal to (before) the specified residues in column 4 and a value of “1” specifies cleavage C-terminal to (after) the specified residues in column 4. Column 4 contains the residue(s) that the enzyme cleaves at. Column 5 contains the flanking residue(s) that negate cleavage.